
영어 단어: invincible

All That Guy 2015. 4. 29. 05:12


[in-VIN-suh-bul] adj.
정복할 수 없는, 무적의, 불굴의.
Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.

↔ superable

[M.E., from O.F., from L. invincibilis: in-, not + vincibilis, conquerable]

a invincible team 무적의 팀
His opponent seemed invincible. 그의 상대는 무적으로 보였다.
his invincible stubborness 그의 꺾이지 않는 완고함

"He calls the mixture Bulletproof coffee. Drink it, the name implies, and you'll feel invincible."
-Gordy Megroz, Bloomberg Businessweek, 4 May 2015.

"Eventually he stops terrorizing poor Holly Hunter and retires to Supreman's spaceship ... where he
uses the Kryption Siri to create the invincible supervillain whom Batman and Superman will have to fight after they're done throwing each other through various walls ...." -Rob Havilla, Deadspin, 23 March 2016

※ Merriam-Webster Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, and 금성출판사 영한사전.